Category Archives: Cybersecurity

Businesses Most at Risk for Hacking

Man typing on a computer

Just as some physical workplaces will be more at risk of break-ins than others, some businesses are more at risk of cybercrime than others. Although in reality, every business has the potential to be attacked and for its sensitive data to be stolen, some present more of a reward to cybercriminals.  Whether it’s your size, […]

Essential Cybersecurity Policies for Small Businesses

IT specialist working on laptop from office

Technology has been the savior of the small business. With so many business startups being launched, it is technology that has allowed them to grow and thrive. Without technology, many small businesses would not be as successful as they are today.  Technology is used in every aspect of business, from the initial idea, brainstorming sessions, […]

Why Your Business Needs These Cybersecurity Tools

cloud computing benefits

Cybersecurity is something you need to prioritize as a modern business, as it impacts every facet of your company. When it comes to cybersecurity, there are plenty of factors to keep in mind when it comes to choosing and creating your protection.  Protecting your company from the growing threat of cybercrime is something you need […]

5 Questions to Ask Your Managed Security Service Provider

Managed Security Service Provider

In the modern workplace, it’s become commonplace to have a robust IT infrastructure to support the round-the-clock needs of customers and clients. However, managing IT needs internally—especially when it comes to security—can be challenging, and often comes with a hefty price tag when hiring your own in-house IT team. As a more cost-effective solution, many […]

Was Your Business Prepared for COVID-19?

business woman at an MSP writes business continuity strategy on whiteboard

While most businesses had continuity plans in place at the start of 2020, the nature of the COVID-19 pandemic caught the majority of business owners by surprise. It wasn’t a power outage or a flood, but a new kind of crisis that many didn’t see coming.  Some SMBs were able to marshal effective responses to […]

5 Ways to Keep Hackers Away from Your Small Business

hacker types at a computer with security symbol protected by an MSP

The truth is, small businesses are more likely to be targeted for a cyber attack than large companies. Figures from Fundara suggest that 43% of all cyberattacks are against small businesses. Additionally, IBM reports that cybercrime can cost the average business millions of hard-earned dollars.  Thus, small business leaders, CEOs, and CIOs need to put […]