The year 2020 was a year that nobody expected. Businesses all the way from start-ups to brand names failed to plan for the outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic. You can have strategies in place, but when something as devastating as this approaches, you’ll need to act wisely.

These struggles forced small-to-medium-sized businesses all over the world to make big decisions and changes. Some resulted in positive transitions and others left businesses closed for good. 

The tech and IT side of a business are essential in unprecedented times like these. The pandemic brought out a lot of changes to the way in which we utilize digital platforms. In this post, we’ll go through some of the best tech practices for small businesses over the past year. Let’s get started:


Businesses are always under threat from criminals and hackers looking for money or data to hold hostage. Hackers attack small businesses as well as big brands. This is why advanced cybersecurity solutions are necessary. It’s not just your IT department that will need to look out – any department with digital systems could collapse. 

MSPs (managed services providers) can install, protect, and monitor business IT systems around the clock. They’ll also give advice on what needs improving or securing. This kind of thing is essential for small businesses as it’ll allow them to have a platform to grow. 

Unlike an in-house IT team, an MSP typically charges a fee each month, but it’s worth it to prevent a harmful cyber attack. 

Online Meetings 

With the pandemic making its mark on the world, many different video-conferencing apps and software have been able to capitalize. Meetings, lessons, lectures, auditions, and even recreational chats have needed to take place virtually over this past year, and the conference call software has helped a lot. We’ve had Facetime, but the pandemic called for a new solution.

By far, the most used and popular video-conferencing app is Zoom. Due to the fact that it was designed especially for the likes of virtual meetings, conferences, courses, and webinars, companies all around the globe utilize it on a daily basis.

The high-quality video and audio is also a huge draw, as well as the fact that it can handle up to 10,000 attendees. They did have a few issues with hackers, but by using passwords, waiting rooms, and host controls, you can avoid unauthorized access. 

Google Meet is also a popular option that businesses use to connect. Using all of Google’s services, like Gmail, Hangouts, and the Drive, you can have a fully structured conference – although there are lots of fine details that have put many people off. Video calls, messaging, and voice calls are all free options as long as you have a maximum of fifty people. 

Multi-Factor Authentication

With everything going on, a business needs to be more involved in terms of security and safety. This is where a multi-factor authentication system comes in.

A MFA usually takes the form of a second password, pin, authentication app, or fingerprint identification. MFA is a simple, easy to use and install solution that can end up saving your business from a damaging security threat. 

Digital Marketing

Marketing has always been a staple in the eyes of any business in order to attract people and build relationships. In this day and age, though, digital marketing has become an essential part of business. 

Everyone has a digital platform or two in their homes these days, so just using old-school methods will not suffice. Businesses looking to extend their reach and diversify their customer base should consider the likes of SEO, email marketing, and digital advertising. 

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing can work wonders for your brand. Reaching millions of people in an instant is possible, but only if you really stand out. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have all been a huge part of social media marketing over the years. 

Recently, Tiktok and LinkedIn gained popularity as game-changers in the social media marketing world because they’re able to get you noticed by those who matter.

To summarize, each of these points are crucial in helping business before and during the pandemic era. They’ve helped to boost and bolster companies during these uncertain times. As we progress further into a digital era, businesses are going to need to have these tools if they’re looking to stand out and grow.